Signs You And Your Partner Are Not Compatible

When you are in a relationship, you start thinking about the long run. Though you share common likes and dislikes with your partner, it doesn’t mean that you are compatible with each other. Compatibility is something intangible that can affect the relationship between you two. Loving your partner can not be enough every time, as you will need to have compatibility with your partner to stay with that person for your whole life. When you are thinking long-term and want to spend the rest of your life with your partner, you should make sure that the two of you are compatible with each other and know how to take each other’s side.

If you are not compatible enough with your partner, it can cause severe issues in your relationship. In an incompatible relationship, every passing day with your partner might feel more and more depressing, and you will start to lose yourself. So, it is better to understand whether you and your partner are compatible at an initial stage so that you can either work on it together as a team or move on to lead a better life. 

Signs That show You And Your Partner Are Not Compatible

Here we have mentioned a few signs that indicate that you and your partner are not compatible with each other, and you need to work on those incompatibilities to make your relationship work. 

1. You cannot handle arguments

Arguments are common in a relationship. You and your partner are two different human beings with different individuality. So, it is quite normal that you will have arguments on different topics. You will need to understand how often you guys are getting into an argument. If you are not compatible with each other, you will start fighting more often. It can be once a week or even more than that, depending on your incompatibility level. The more incompatible you are, the more often you will have arguments. In most cases, when two people are not compatible with each other, they don’t know how to handle arguments. If your love becomes stronger with every argument, it is a good sign for both of you, but if the arguments cross certain bars and they start scratching your soul, you will need to worry. 

An incompatible couple might fight dirty using abusive words and usually refuse to listen to each other. Even when you are in an argument, you should understand the point of view of your partner. If you are not understanding your partner at all and the fights are becoming more and more abusive with every passing day, you will need to work on it. It is a clear sign of incompatibility in a relationship.

2. You have vastly different concepts about life

It is another sign that you need to consider while choosing your partner. If you and your partner have completely different opinions about life and how things work in life, you are probably not compatible with each other. This point also includes the concept you and your partner have about money. For some people, money is the most important thing a person needs in life whereas, for others, a lot of money is not needed to live a happy life. If you are extremely ambitious and your partner is not ambitious at all, that can be a problem in the long run. You will need to understand what you and your partner want from your lives. If they are completely different from each other, you will have difficulties living with each other. 

Ask yourself and your partner, what are your plans for having children? Where do you see yourselves when you are in your 60s? What are your concepts about marriage? What do you and your partner think about being committed to a person for your whole life? What is the importance of your parents in your lives, and what roles do they play? All these questions are important to understand a person’s point of view about life. The conception of life depends on a person’s socio-economic and educational background. Completely different concepts mean you are very different from each other, and this difference might not be solved. 

3. You have insecurities

It is one of the most vital signs that people often confuse with healthy jealousy. If you are with a partner who is perfect for you, you will not have any insecurities. Again, insecurity is different from healthy jealousy. If you feel like breaking down when you see your partner hanging out with their friends or colleagues, that is when you know that you are becoming extremely insecure. Same with your partner. Trust is the foundation of every relationship, and if you can understand that there are trust issues between you and your partner, it is time to work hard on this issue. You and your partner should complete each other, and you should not start assuming that your partner is going to cheat on you. It not only breaks the foundation of the relationship but also starts breaking a person from the core. 

You have to understand that your partner can have friends, talk to other people and still can be your better half. If you have serious trust issues with your partner and start getting abusive whenever you see your partner with any of their friends or family members, you understand that there is a hollow space between both of you that can never be fulfilled unless you work hard on that. Trust issues and insecurities are clear signs of incompatibility.

4. You are not on each other's side

Regardless of whether it is related to career decisions or decisions of personal lives, you should understand that you are not compatible with each other if you don’t support each other. Your partner should be your biggest support system and vice versa. You should understand each other and help each other grow by offering constant support. Obviously, you will guide your partner when you feel that your partner is making wrong decisions, but you will need to do that without letting your partner feel down. You have to keep your partner over society. It is your relationship, and everyone outside that is a third person. Don’t start doubting your partner based on others’ opinions. If you are making decisions and your partner is never there on your side, it is when you understand that the person is not right for you.

5. You have communication issues

Communication is the key. You and your partner both should be able to speak your hearts out while communicating with each other. If you don’t like talking to each other much and don’t feel the urge to talk and share things, the relationship might not be going in the right direction. If you notice that your partner is extremely judgemental about whatever you say or every time your partner starts discouraging you, you should understand the signs. Also, if your partner has no interest in whatever you are thinking or willing to say, or whatever is going on in your life, you both are not compatible with each other. Communication gaps occur when you and your partner have completely different personalities, and you don’t actually understand the point of view of the other person in that relationship. All the conversations either become so boring, or couples start judging each other in these cases. So, if you have a hard time talking to your partner, you should understand the signs of incompatibility between both of you. 

6. You start losing yourselves

A strong relationship is one which helps both the persons in that relationship to grow in a positive way. If you are in an incompatible relationship, with time, you will start losing yourself. Either your self-esteem will go down, or you will start being rude and judgemental or something else. Sometimes, people can even get anxiety issues and panic attacks when an incompatible relationship becomes extremely toxic. A relationship can have a great effect on a person’s psyche. So, dealing with constant issues and insecurities can affect a person’s mental health in several ways. You might start distancing yourself from your friends and family members, or you can even stop living your life the way you used to live before. They all are signs that you are not in a healthy relationship. 

7. You cannot be friends

Your partner should be your best friend and vice versa. You should be able to share everything with each other and enjoy your lives to the fullest, holding hands. You should have no secrets and should have each other’s backs. If you cannot become friends with your partner first and share yourself completely with that person to enjoy your life, it is a sign that you are not in a healthy relationship. Your partner should be your hangout partner, explore partner, partners in crime, gossip partner and almost everything. If you don’t match the points and constantly judge each other, it is one of the biggest signs that you and your partner are incompatible.

If you need any help to know the compatibility levels between you and your partner, we at Inside Ink Graphology Solutions can help you with that!

Get in touch with us today for more information!