Confused About Education and Career Options?

Know the answer with us! Career Counselling At Inside Ink

Reach Out To Inside Ink For Career Counselling NOW!

    Worried about what career to choose?

    Worried about what career to choose?

    Know the answer with us! Career Counselling At Inside Ink

    Unable to decide what to do next?

    Unable to decide what to do next?

    We can help! Career Counselling Through Handwriting Analysis

    Thinking of making a career shift?

    Thinking of making a career shift?

    We can help you find the right path! Explore Career Counselling At Inside Ink

    Importance Of Career Counselling

    Career constitutes a major part of our lives and your personality greatly influences your career. Career counselling helps you choose a career that compliments your personality. Career counselling assists you in making informed decisions about your career path and helps in mapping your career.

    Key strengths and weaknesses

    Identifying key strengths and weaknesses help you in analysing your career path. At Inside Ink, our career consultants will help you with these by career counselling through graphology.

    Analyse your skills and interests

    Deciding on a career based on your interests and skill sets gives you an edge over the competition. Get this competitive edge over others by getting career counselling at Inside Ink.

    Explore your career paths

    Career counselling informs you of all the unheard career opportunities that don’t demand a compromise on your interests. With career counseling at Inside Ink you can discover a career path of your interests.

    Key strengths and weaknesses

    Identifying key strengths and weaknesses help you in analysing your career path. At Inside Ink, our career consultants will help you with these by career counselling through graphology.

    Analyse your skills and interests

    Deciding on a career based on your interests and skill sets gives you an edge over the competition. Get this competitive edge over others by getting career counselling at Inside Ink.

    Explore your career paths

    Career counselling informs you of all the unheard career opportunities that don’t demand a compromise on your interests. With career counseling at Inside Ink you can discover a career path of your interests.

    How does Graphology help?

    Your handwriting is the graphic interpretation of your mind and thinking patterns. It potentially reveals your strengths, weaknesses, the current state of mind, as well as ability to focus. 

    These facets help in determining who as a person you are and which career you would excel in. 

    graphology, handwriting analysis and career counselling packages

    Here’s how career counselling works in Inside Ink:

    Step 1:  You share your handwriting samples with us. Our expert graphologists then analyse your handwriting thoroughly. 

    Step 2:  You will be getting a detailed personality report based on your handwriting analysis. On the basis of this report, you will be suggested career options that best suit your strengths and interests.

    Step 3: You get all your queries solved in a one-to-one session/call with our expert graphologists.


    What Clients Say?

    After my 12th-grade examination I was very confused about what to do next. Then I came across career counseling at Inside Ink. I was convinced about trying career counseling based on handwriting analysis. I submitted my handwriting sample and got my personality report in just 24 hours! All my doubts were cleared and I could exactly decide what I want to do next. Thank you Inside Ink!

    Sonali Mukherji

    I’m a science graduate and I was very confused about which job I should apply for. After a friend’s suggestion, I opted for career counselling by Inside Ink and submitted my handwriting sample. I was amazed at the report as they accurately presented my personality traits and suggested a career option that would be a good fit for me. A must try career counselling for working professionals in my opinion!

    Kaustubh Shah

    We were worried about where we should get our child enrolled after the 10th class. While looking for career counselling services on the web I came across Inside Ink’s graphology based career counselling. I liked the idea as it was backed by scientific research. We decided to give career counselling at Inside Ink a try and the results gave us a clear idea of our son’s potential and interests. I’d recommend all parents to try this out! Thank you Inside Ink!

    Meena Sethi

    I was feeling stuck in my job and was thinking of making a career shift. My colleague suggested that I should go for career counselling for working professionals. That’s when I found Inside Ink. These career counselling experts perfectly decoded my personality and gave me a clear vision of what I should be and shouldn’t be doing. I wish I’d known about Inside Ink’s career counselling for working professionals earlier!

    Priya S

    I never knew my handwriting would reveal personality traits that even I didn’t know about. It was a thrilling experience to get a career direction based on graphology. Inside Ink made it smooth as silk! Also, Neha Phatak is a one of the best graphologist in Mumbai. They took my handwriting sample and gave me the report in just 24 hours! I feel glad to have taken this career counselling. Kudos team Inside Ink!

    Subodh K


    I just passed my 12th-grade examination and was very confused about what to do next. While surfing on the web about different career options, I came across career counseling at Inside Ink. I was convinced about trying career counselling based on handwriting analysis and decided to give it a shot. I submitted my handwriting sample and got my personality report in just 24 hours! All my doubts were cleared very nicely and I could exactly decide what I want to do next. Thank you Inside Ink!

    Sonali Mukherji


    I’m a science graduate and I was very confused about which job I should apply for. One of my friends suggested career counselling for working professionals Inside Ink. I opted for career counselling by Inside Ink and submitted my handwriting sample. I was amazed at the report as they accurately presented my personality traits and suggested a career option that would be a good fit for me. A must try career counselling for working professionals in my opinion!

    Kaustubh Shah


    We were worried about where we should get our child enrolled after the 10th class. While looking for career counselling services on the web I came across Inside Ink’s graphology based career counselling. I liked the idea as it was backed by scientific research. We decided to give career counselling at Inside Ink a try and the results gave us a clear idea of our son’s potential and interests. I’d recommend all parents to try this out! Thank you Inside Ink!

    Meena Sethi


    I was feeling stuck in my job and was thinking of making a career shift. But I wasn’t able to find a direction. My colleague suggested that I should go for career counselling for working professionals. That’s when I found Inside Ink. These career counselling experts perfectly decoded my personality and gave me a clear vision of what I should be and shouldn’t be doing. I wish I’d known about Inside Ink’s career counselling for working professionals earlier!

    – Priya S


    I never knew my handwriting would reveal personality traits that even I didn’t know about. It was a thrilling experience to get a career direction based on graphology. Inside Ink made it smooth as silk! They took my handwriting sample and gave me the report in just 24 hours! I feel glad to have taken this career counselling. Kudos team Inside Ink!

    – Subodh K

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