17 Handwriting Analysis Personality Traits Examples
Handwriting is a useful tool for determining a person’s defining personality traits, sometimes called “brain-writing.” Graphologists, often known as handwriting analysts, can analyse a writer’s handwriting to infer their personality qualities. Automated handwriting analysis can be used to correctly assess candidates’ personality traits during interviews because an analyst’s accuracy is greatly influenced by his skill set. Additionally, employing a graphologist to examine hundreds of samples will take time and be financially unviable for recruitment purposes. Do you know more than 200 personality traits can be inferred from what you write? Your letter sizes, word spacing, letter forms, and other elements can all represent various traits that reveal a lot about you. The concept of handwriting analysis dates back to the seventeenth century. Camilo Baldi published the first book to describe these procedures about 400 years ago.
Camilo Baldi, an Italian physician, and philosopher who is regarded as the founder of graphology, made systematic observations on handwriting samples in 1622. Since then, this sector has seen the completion of numerous in-depth investigations. Up to this point, there have been more than 2200 reported studies on handwriting analysis.
According to a study that was conducted by the American Psychological Association’s annual convention, the use of computer technology in handwriting analysis can be considered a trustworthy tool for determining various traits like honesty, emotional stability, substance abuse risk, and judgement. For instance, writing with rounded letters may indicate creativity and aesthetic ability. While writing in pointy letters could indicate that you are intense and curious.
Even to spot lies and disclose potential medical conditions, handwriting analysis, sometimes referred to as graphology, is useful. Let us discuss the examples of personality types based on your handwriting. Based on this, you can understand the different nuances of a person’s personality type and traits which can make it easier for you to understand the person behind the letters and also helps you enhance the view of how the person operates and if they are telling the truth or not.
1. Do you write in large or small fonts?
What a handwriting analysis reveals about you may surprise you. Did you know that shy, introverted people tend to write in small letters, whereas big, extroverted people tend to write in huge letters? Your ability to focus and concentrate is determined by your writing size.
2. How much space between words do you use?
While individuals who cram their words together tend to like the company of others, those who leave big spaces between their phrases tend to embrace freedom and independence. A handwriting analysis will indicate that you might be intrusive or have the propensity to swarm people if your words are completely crammed together.
3. How much pressure do you put on the pen?
A modest amount of pressure on the pen is indicative of commitment, whereas very hard pressure can imply tension and fury. According to a National Pen Company study, mild pressure indicates that you are sympathetic and sensitive, but you may also be lacking in vigour.
4. How do you cross all of your "i's"?
Handwriting experts say that you probably have a vivid imagination if you dot your “i’s” high on the paper. A neatly dotted “i indicates loyalty.” You may be a procrastinator if you cross your “ts” and “i”s to the left.
5. Your signature, is it readable?
You sign your paperwork as necessary: An illegible signature is the mark of a secretive or difficult-to-read person, whereas a legible signature is a sign of self-assurance.
6. What angle does your writing have?
Did you realise that the slant of your handwriting might reveal information about you? A left slant indicates that you prefer to keep to yourself, whereas a right slant indicates that you enjoy socialising and working with new people. Additionally, left-slanters often exhibit reserve and introspection.
7. How do you do a "t" cross?
Experts in handwriting analysis claim that your “t’s” have a significant impact on what your handwriting says about you. If you end your “t’s” with a lengthy cross, you probably have a strong sense of purpose and enthusiasm. However, using a short cross could indicate that you are being lazy. You probably have many ambitions and aim high if you cross your lowercase “ts” up high. If you cross someone low, it might be time to set a higher standard for yourself because people who cross low frequently also aim low.
8. How are lowercase "l"s looped?
A broad, looping “l” denotes creativity and being open to new ideas, whereas a thin, retraced “l” may indicate self-restraint.
9. What style are your "Y" hooks?
Your lowercase “y hook” is a big personality indicator. A wide loop indicates having good faith in people, while a narrow loop indicates having less trust and being pickier about whom you let in close.
10. Do your letters have a point or a curve?
What your handwriting says about you also depends on whether your words are sharp or rounded. Pointed letters are an indication of intelligence and stress.
11. How fast can you write?
You may be impatient and despise wasting time if you write quickly. Taking your time to write your thoughts down demonstrates your independence and analytical nature.
12. If you have a large head
You could come across as haughty if you capitalise the letter “I” (used as a pronoun) much larger than any other capital letters.
13. If you might be lying
Handwriting analysis experts say there’s a good possibility you’re lying if your writing is illegible and has thread like formations.
14. Do your letters make sense together or separately?
The Pen writings claim that connecting your letters when you write may indicate that you are very rational and that most of your conclusions are supported by knowledge and experience. If your letters are disconnected, then you may be more intuitive and rely more on your gut when making choices. Don’t overlook these additional minor habits that offer valuable insight into your personality.
15. How often do you punctuate sentences?
Life would be rather complicated without correct punctuation, but how much is too much? According to The Pen writings, if you use a lot of punctuation, such as multiple periods or exclamation marks, you might be an emotional person. The overuse of punctuation may also indicate a mildly obsessive disposition. Check out these instances where punctuation significantly alters a sentence’s meaning.
16. Do you have open or closed o's?
Even though you might not give it much thought, your handwriting style claims that the way you write may reveal more about you than you realise. You are secretive if your o’s have right loops in them. If you typically have open eyes, there’s a significant probability you’re more extroverted and social. There are many advantages to both introverts and extroverts, regardless of whatever type you are.
17. How are your es formed?
Do you have a wide or narrow e? Those who have a narrow e are likely sceptics who are unmoved by emotions. Your tendency to have huge e may indicate that you are more open-minded and willing to explore new things.
As we said earlier, among all the distinctive qualities of a person, handwriting contains the most detailed information that can be used to understand the writer’s physical, mental, and emotional states.
A scientific way to ascertain a person’s personality by evaluating various elements from handwriting is called graphology. Graphology is the art of studying and analysing handwriting. The primary characteristics of handwriting include the baseline, slant of the alphabet, and page margins. In this article, we discussed various nuances of writing and the personality type involved. We hope this article helps you to understand the distinctions between small differences and learn about people more freely and easily, using science-based practical methods.
To learn more about graphology, get in touch with our professional graphologist or graphotherapist today.

She is a certified Graphologist since 2002 and is an expert in designing customized remedies to help her clients overcome various life issues like finance troubles, career growth, education, relationship problems, anxiety, guilt, fear and health issues like back pains, digestion/stomach related issues etc. She has done her M.Tech in IEOR from IIT Bombay. Her one-on-one guidance and customized solutions ensure that all her clients succeed and develop at a fast pace who come from all walks of life including entrepreneurs, students, business professionals, housewives, retirees, white-collar and blue-collar workers.