Does Changing Your Handwriting Change You?

Is it possible to change someone by changing their handwriting? It is true that our handwriting is closely related to our brain, which in turn is responsible for the traits we display. This is why handwriting experts can analyse handwriting to reveal the characteristics, personalities and behaviours displayed by an individual. Let us understand whether or not changing your handwriting changes you.

Relationship Between Handwriting and Subconscious Brain

The relationship between our mind and handwriting was first discovered by Aristotle in around 2000 BC. After careful study and research, he concluded that handwriting is brain-writing. This means that if you consciously try to change a few strokes in your handwriting, a reverse signal is sent to the subconscious mind to change you. 

Graphology and Graphotherapy

The eagerness to write initially begins in the brain and then goes through the nerves to the muscles of the hand, which results in a controlled or measured movement on the sheet of paper. This movement is nothing but handwriting, and this depicts the mental activities of the person who is writing and sketches an image of their character and personality traits. The analysis of handwriting is termed as graphology – it is a recent concept that is just a few decades old. It has been known since then and used for different things like career counselling, guidance to parents/students/teachers, recruitment and self-improvement.

After a detailed analysis or graphology of someone’s handwriting, Graphotherapy can be used. The therapy applied would be different for each individual as it would depend on the personality traits that they would like to work upon. The therapy is done over a period of a few weeks and involves practising small changes in the strokes for 10 minutes each day. If this is done regularly and sincerely, you could begin to feel the change within. It is the conscious changes made in the strokes that send across signals to the subconscious mind that tell the person to change. 

Understanding Graphotherapy?

Graphotherapy is also known as graphical re-education. It is a branch of graphology that deals with modifying graphical gestures in a conscious way to bring about changes in personality at a subconscious level to improve many challenges. Graphotherapy can be said to be a complementary tool to disciplines like psychology that is created on the logical implementation of universal movements that are unified with a reiteration of graphical exercises.

How does Graphotherapy Work?

Located in the left hemisphere of our brain is a small nervous circuit where the process of writing is recognised. This sends sensorimotor signals to our hand, which implements the transmitted order. 

Before beginning with Graphotherapy, a comprehensive graphology of the handwriting and the strokes should be conducted. 

Once this is done, a reversed path can be applied that acts on the brain mechanisms and reverses the way of writing. It also modifies our habits till they become accustomed to us and changes the information in our minds.

Fundamentals of Graphotherapy

An American scientist named Eric Richard Kandel conducted some research on neurological mechanisms, which are immensely helpful in applying Graphotherapy fundamentals. 

It was believed that neuronal connections are absolute, but then Kandel highlighted the difference between neuronal elasticity and neuronal plasticity. Neuronal elasticity means a temporary change that bounces back to its actual shape when the cause that produces it is obstructed – there is no change because of stimulus application. Here, the stimulus refers to the repeated written strokes systematically.

Neuronal plasticity means an abiding change irrespective of the disruption of the cause. Despite the stimulus being interrupted, the change is constant. It is the presence of a cause which is learning new ways to write, that creates a change, the improvement of which lasts for a long time.

Renowned neurologist Sigmund Freud unified the thought of memory mechanisms and plasticity in learning. Psychoanalysis is based on the foundation that experiences leave marks. Because of the law of reversibility, when altering strokes through continued graphical exercise, behavioural change is preferred, as the path from the brain to the paper is revocable. 

Graphotherapy and its Movements

There are 12 universal movements in the pragmatics of Graphotherapy. These movements or graphical exercises help people belonging to other cultures, or who are unable to read and write, or whose mobility has been affected, or who write with different characters because of certain disabilities. Repetitive graphical exercises act as a stimulus and create new ways to connect between inter-neurons.

The 12 universal movements that rotate clockwise and counter-clockwise are – up, down, leftwards and rightwards. They are combined to implement not just letters but also all our everyday activities – from using the keyboard of a computer to stirring sugar in a cup of tea and from sweeping the floor to combing our hair.  

Some Tips

  • The ascending movements in Graphotherapy indicate spiritual inclinations, which mean that the individual is moving towards their ambitions, what they aspire to, their ideals, and to better themselves. 
  • Descending movements reveal physical, material, biological, and material tendencies. For instance, sports, nutrition, physical work, etc. 
  • Leftward movements suggest contemplation, analysis, relationship with past experiences, reflection, relapse towards family, the past, and childish attitudes.
  • Rightward movements show sociability, connection with the environment, mature and adult attitude, moving to desired goals, and the course of current projects in the future. 

The exercises performed are not calligraphic; instead, they are meant for practising rhythm, shapes, pressure, movement, inclination, and other graphical aspects, anticipating the representation of space.

Graphotherapy Exercises

Here is how the Graphotherapy exercises should be performed: 

  • The writing should be inclined or bent a bit to the right. This movement nurtures a good relationship with others, promotes socialism, and helps in advancing to the future.
  • All the letters should be connected to each other with the exception of certain things such as accent marks, periods, inverted commas, etc. This attribute establishes sociability, continuity in activities performed, tenacity, and ability to summarise. 
  • Adding the T-bars ensures that one works on the continuity of their work or career or professional areas. 
  • Dots on the I should never be left out as it ensures concentration and attention.
  • The horizontal direction of lines allows control of different moods and states of a person’s mind. It helps in correcting euphoric and depressing states of mind.
  • Maintaining proper space between lines when writing is also important. The lower and upper extensions of the letters should never touch each other, or they should not be mixed. This helps in the clarity of thoughts and ideas.

Can Changing Handwriting Help to Build a Good Personality?

Before we proceed with an answer to this question, there are certain questions to ask:

How do you react when you come across a handwriting expert? Do you avoid them, or do you grab a piece of paper and write something for them to analyse?

There are many people who are not comfortable with getting their handwriting analysed. They fear that the handwriting expert will highlight their negative traits. However, things are quite the opposite; a handwriting expert can work with you to overcome several of your negative traits if you let them analyse your handwriting. 

For instance, for someone who is scared of giving job interviews – graphology can help understand the person better, and Graphotherapy can help bring about some positive changes. Probably just by changing your signature, you can overcome your fear.

In the same way, if you cannot get over your past broken relationship, Graphotherapy can help you slowly overcome your situation. 

Once the obstruction is identified with the help of a handwriting expert, there are ways to eradicate them too. A good handwriting correction program can help improve many things in your life, both professionally and personally.

Remember, you must have your handwriting analysed and take the help of a professional handwriting expert to undergo Graphotherapy to ensure that you practise the precise exercises and avoid building up any negative traits. 

Where to Get the Best Handwriting Expert?

If you are struggling with issues in your life but want to correct them or change something about you to make things more favourable for you, then we can help you. We at Inside Ink Graphology Solutions can help you bring about some positive changes in your life. We can analyse your handwriting to locate any undesirable or problematic traits and then custom-create a Graphotherapy program to bring about changes in your life. Our analysis can help identify several details that often go unnoticed by most people. To learn more about how we could be of service to you, call us at the provided number or visit our website to learn more about us. 
