Handwriting and Signature Analysis for Personality Development

Elevate Your Personality through Expert Handwriting and Signature Analysis

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Years Of Experience
1 +
Signatures Analysed
1 +
Handwriting Samples Analyzed
1 +
Clients Consulted
1 +

About the Handwriting & Signature Expert

Hi! My name is Neha Phatak Rakshas.

I’m a certified Graphologist, Handwriting Analyst and Graphotherapist in Mumbai. Since 2002 I have counselled many people overcome their problems and succeed in life.

My aim is to provide excellent Graphology services to my clients which can help bring positive changes in their lives. 

Why Handwriting & Signature Analysis for Personality Development?

Good memory, focus, concentration, health, confidence levels, communication skills, being, being practical and street smart, being at peace and happy with self and not getting distracted from your goals till you achieve them are the signs of a good personality.

Handwriting and signature analysis combined with Graphotherapy helps a person in developing all these traits leading to an excellent personality development.

The person will start seeing and experiencing positive changes in self  in a few weeks itself after starting the graphotherapy.

Overcome all the negative traits present in one’s personality easily and successfully

Build and develop all the strong and positive traits and be able to reap all the benefits from them to become successful in life

Mental and Physical health will improve. Mind and body will become very strong

Communication skills will improve. The person will always take the right decisions everywhere

There will be stability in life. No incomplete projects will exist. Everything will get finished successfully in one shot itself

All the negative patterns will disappear from life. Quality of life and mind will improve a lot

How it Works?



The handwriting and signature sample will be needed of the person who wants to work on improving the personality of self


Analysis and Evaluation

Depending on how much of a detailed analysis the person wants, an analysis report will be provided to the person accordingly


Customized Graphotherapy is given to improve the person’s personality

A customized signature and certain letters will be given to the person for practicing to remove all the negative traits and develop all the positive traits in that person which are necessary for an excellent personality development

The person will start seeing and experiencing positive changes in self  in a few weeks itself after starting the graphotherapy

Contact handwriting expert for more details

neha phatak

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    Awards and Recognitions

    Acknowledged with the Business Excellence Award for ‘Most Promising Graphologist & Handwriting Analyst from Mumbai’ by ‘The Success Today’ in 2024. Certified in forensic graphology by IFS India. Featured in Gujarat Midday Life Plus for expertise in Graphology. Honored with the Top 10 Alumni Women Leaders from IIT Bombay award by Women Entrepreneurs.

    Let's Talk

    Want to get in touch with Graphologist? Just fill out form or get in touch directly at nkphatak@gmail.com or +91-7304311971.