4 Graphotherapy Tips For A Better Personality
Have you ever thought of the connection that your mind shares with the manner you write? Can you believe the fact that your handwriting can provide insights into your personality? If you have never come across such facts, keep reading this article to learn more about the science behind graphology and graphotherapy and how it can reflect and shape your personality.
What Is The Science Behind Graphology and Graphotherapy?
Graphotherapy is recognized as a module of psychotherapy relying on improving or changing the handwriting of a person in order to enhance their personality traits for good. Graphology and Graphotherapy is today used by a lot of neuroscientists and psychologists in order to gain good insights about their patients and assist them to easily overcome any kind of negative aspects hitched to their present personality.
In case of anyone going through the phase of depression, low self-esteem, or anxiety, psychologists can adhere to the use of graphotherapy techniques as a remedial measure. In some cases, graphotherapy has proven highly useful to help patients restore emotional and psychological balance in such a convenient way that they could easily stay away from taking any kind of antidepressant pills or other forms of medicine.
All that is required here is utmost commitment to stay updated with your schedule and continue practicing the handwriting exercises suggested as much as possible to get rid of the negative traits and promote the positive ones. Even bringing some changes to your signature can also show some impact on your overall psychology and personality.
The power of graphotherapy is widespread when it comes to enforcing positive behavior and making you feel better. There are different examples justifying how kids and adults both have benefitted from the practice of graphotherapy. It can be rightly said that in some instances pen is indeed mightier than an antidepressant or other medicinal pills. Studies have unveiled the unique bond that your brain shares with your hands when the context of motor-skill development, thought process, and self-expression comes to play.

Importance of Graphology and Graphotherapy
There is a good chance to use graphology in a different field for those who consider it seriously and make sure to put in an adequate amount of effort in it to excel in the best possible manner. Also, there is no doubt that graphotherapy is highly effective if the same is prescribed properly. There are 4 prime reasons highlighting why you should learn graphotherapy.
1. Efficient psychological test
One of the major facts about improving personality via graphotherapy is that compared to all other psychological tests to access a person, graphology reveals many different aspects of a person’s thought process, mental state, personality, strengths and weaknesses. Even in your daily life, you get to draw some ideas about an individual by accessing his or her handwriting, and this is highly helpful to deal with them in the best possible manner.
2. Helpful in recruitment
If you are employed in the HR industry, graphology is likely to benefit you in the process of recruitment. Apply your graphology skills for the recruitment, placement as well as personality development of the employees you recruit. Besides this, graphology can also highlight the emotional aspects of the person involved along with their social skills.
3. A good tool for psychologists
Psychologists can make use of graphology as an essential tool to narrow down or support the results that you receive from all other tests. You can use these findings to convince your client in a lot of cases in case he or she denies the results received by actual psychological tests.
4. It is a healthy hobby
If you wish to spend time learning about a new profession or want to develop a new hobby, start taking lessons about graphology. It can give you a break from monotonous life activities and help your mind learn something new that is fun and relaxing as well.
Learning graphology will shower a sense of joy and elation when you will have people appreciating your ability to easily learn a lot of things about them just by analyzing their handwriting. This is what makes it reasonable to invest in mastering the art of graphology.

4 Graphotherapy tips for a better personality
A handwriting expert is able to say a lot about an individual’s personality by analyzing the pattern in which they write the letters, draw lines, and use space on a page. With all such details, it is easily possible for any graphotherapist to design and develop a therapy for an individual in order to assist him or her to alter those personality aspects that are tending to hold them back from meeting their life goals. This curative derivative of improvement via handwriting analysis, also known as graphotherapy, is based on reprogramming your subconscious mind and altering your personality via changes in handwriting strokes, styles, and more done through rigorous practice.
- Graphotherapy can be used to alter personality for the good calls for patience and commitment.
- You need to practice the exercises assigned from time to time in order to see a positive change in your personality.
- Graphotherapy can be used to control your temper, boost your confidence and self-esteem, ease your shyness, and enhance communicative skills in children.
- It is also beneficial for promoting concentration in an individual.
3 Graphotherapy tips to kill your stress
Graphotherapy comes with an array of benefits, with the ability to kill stress being one among them.
- For calmness and relaxation- Reduce the smudging and scratches in the writing if any, to promote calmness and relaxation.
- Promotes concentration- Having a good and sufficiently long crossbar in letter t increases concentration.
- Enhanced Stamina- Increase the writing pressure a little, if you are a light pressure writer to increase the stamina.
Practice one or more of the graphotherapy tips mentioned above and practice regularly to
witness change.
Graphotherapy tips for motivation
There is a fine line standing between your potential to do something and what you actually do. In the words of Lou Holtz, your ability is what you are actually capable of doing, while motivation is something that determines the things that you do. How efficiently you do it is determined by your attitude. In short, it is the motivation that acts as the driving force helping you to meet your goals- it is the energy that you get to feel when things happen. Lack of motivation has prevented a lot of people from reaching milestones. It is now time to overcome this obstacle in a highly convenient manner with Graphotherapy.
- Some exercises in the course of graphotherapy help to overcome the barriers preventing you from meeting your goals.
- Simple changes in your present writing pattern or implementing some new writing techniques can motivate your brain to carry out the actions that will help to meet your goals.
- Different types of signatures, too, can tell a lot about your level of confidence and personality.
1. Understand your true self
Graphology is helpful if you want to know more and understand your true self. Graphotherapy helps in self-improvement by giving you a vision about yourself which in turn will be useful to deal with others you come across in life.
2. Used as a self-development tool
You can use graphotherapy as an effective tool for self-development purposes. It helps in changing your mind since handwriting, by and large, is mind writing. You can easily get rid of sadness, laziness, stress, and pessimism through the practice of graphotherapy.
3. Graphotherapy helps to change the mindset
If you are looking for measures to change your mindset, give graphotherapy a try. A deep understanding and implementation of changes to your handwriting are effective in bringing some changes to your mindset.
4. The Letter ‘t’
It is believed that the letter ‘t’ also has a direct relation with your self- esteem. If you want to rightly set your self-esteem, try placing the crossbar of the letter ‘t’ a little high.
How does graphotherapy work?
Graphotherapy, like all other exercises, requires dedication and faith in your practice if you wish to meet your goal.
1. Have some faith
It is said that if you have faith, you can even move a mountain. Practice your graphotherapy exercise with faith, and you will gradually receive the outcome you are looking for.
2. Be highly consistent
Be consistent with your graphotherapy exercises. Make them a routine until they turn up to be your habit. Once it gets deep in your mind, you will start seeing results automatically.
3. Meet your graphotherapist on a time to time basis
When practicing graphotherapy, it is important to get in touch with your graphotherapist from time to time. This is highly crucial as your graphotherapist will assist you in understanding things you miss out in a better way.
4. Be Patient
Patience is the key to success in all instances of graphotherapy. Remember that your present thought process is there with you for generations, and it might take longer to get rid of the old habits and adopt new ones. As you start with graphotherapy exercises, it is essential to stay focused and patient in order to witness positive changes.
Graphotherapy surely works in people who follow these 4 golden rules mentioned above.
Also Read: Can you improve your Finances using Graphology and Graphotherapy?

She is a certified Graphologist since 2002 and is an expert in designing customized remedies to help her clients overcome various life issues like finance troubles, career growth, education, relationship problems, anxiety, guilt, fear and health issues like back pains, digestion/stomach related issues etc. She has done her M.Tech in IEOR from IIT Bombay. Her one-on-one guidance and customized solutions ensure that all her clients succeed and develop at a fast pace who come from all walks of life including entrepreneurs, students, business professionals, housewives, retirees, white-collar and blue-collar workers.